Prophecy, Timelines, and a New Year

Rev 12


But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption. Galatians 4:4-5

As you all may know one of my charisms appears to be the gift of prophecy.  I would call myself a reluctant prophet.  I do not have angels appear and speak to me, nor do I hear a voice outside my head, I just feel God speak to me in my interior and I record what I am told.  I am told all kinds of things.  The issue becomes trying to discern what is mine and what is God’s so that’s why I would call myself a reluctant prophet.

Often I “hear” God tell me time is “short”, or He will use the word “soon” and in my limited human mind that means to me something very different than what I believe it means to God.  I had a conversation with Him about it.  I said, “God you keep saying soon, and short, what exactly do you mean?”  It was in this moment that in my head he showed me a vision of a history book… he took me to a page that said, “World War II was from 1939-1945.”  He said, “that seems long to you, 6 years of war.”  I agreed.  Then he backed me out of the book and showed me a linear timeline of all of human history.  And he said, “it seems short to me.”  Indeed it did.

Last night just after 1:00 a.m. I went to bed and began to pray and I again asked God about time.  He showed me the sun, as if it was time.  I know that sounds weird so I will try to explain.  We think of time as a linear trajectory.  For God, what He showed me, was that it’s like a big giant ball that He can see all at once.  He is in it, and He is outside of it looking at it.  He can see all the movements and prayers.  It was also like He showed me a solar flare as a change on the timeline caused by prayer.  When people are praying they cause eruptions to come off the sun and change what it looks like for a moment.  And again, He sees all of this at once.  Throughout time this sun is the source of life, but it can also burn you or blind you if not properly respected.  This is why I often see the Trinity as represented by the sun, though we know He is the Creator of it.

And then God told me it isn’t proper respect to try to gain knowledge of timelines.  It isn’t our place.  It makes us try to grasp that which isn’t ours to grasp putting us in the place of the creator.  So when it comes to prophecy nothing we can guess about, “when” will ever be super accurate until the moment we look back on it.  The prophets in the bible had several hundred years go by before anything came to fruition.  The job of the prophet is not to predict the future.  The job of the prophet is to tell you to stay awake.  To not lose hope.  To live a right life.  To love God with your whole heart.  The glory of God will be revealed, and it is His glory, we can trust in His Providence amidst the chaos.  God has a plan.  A better one than ours.  The prophets had souls that were illuminated because of prayer.  I would assume the wise men were men of prayer too since they were wise and wanted to pay homage to the Jewish King.  They proclaimed the King; the one who would rescue us from our sin.  The one born of a woman, who would crush the serpent’s head.

All of this contemplating did have me look back on some things.  And all of the sky imagery did too… so I will now share with you a portion of something I wrote in my journal on December 18 and handed to my Spiritual Director.  I do not share this so you will “know the future,” I share this so you will have hope.  Because hope lies when you plant yourself firmly in Jesus Christ;

December 18, 2017

The heavens tell of the Glory of God.  The voice of the heavens goes out through out the earth.
Do you not recognize it?  Just as the Jews did not?
The skies announced my coming to the Magi.  Do you think they landed at Bethlehem the day it was announced?  No because my timing is not your timing.  They had to follow where I led them.
The skies announced my crucifixion.  The earth shook.
Do you not see?
The skies announced her.  The woman clothed in the sun with the moon at her feet and a crown of twelve stars.
Just another passing day to most but the voice of the heavens has gone out to all of the earth.  She has arrived. Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph.  And to those of you that see you must be like John the Baptist preparing the way for the new era.
Time is different from my perspective.  Be in my NOW.
Announce the Good News.
Be not Afraid.
Stand Firm.
I AM fighting for you.
So be still, waiting to move when you hear my voice.

Psalm 19:1-4
Your Divine Spouse
God often uses celestial imagery and the Psalms speak of this.  But people did not recognize the Aurora Borealis as a sign that was predicted in Fatima until years later.  We can look back and see it, but not forward.  I am not sharing the latter half of what I wrote because I believe the temptation is to speculate and guess what will happen next.  There is no need to do that.  What will happen next is what you choose in your heart each moment.  This is about trusting God wholeheartedly without knowing what comes next.  That’s what faith is.  And faith is the currency in God’s kingdom.  When we have faith we seek God’s will.  When we seek His will, we can do His will.  When we do His will we bring the Kingdom of God to earth.  This is accomplished when we pray without ceasing.  I hope everyone has a very happy and blessed New Year.  And on this Feast of the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, may you all know her Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

About veilofveronica

I am a mother and wife as well as an RCIA and Adult Faith Formation catechist at a parish in the south. I have 3 children and a great husband.
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12 Responses to Prophecy, Timelines, and a New Year

  1. blmaluso says:

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Much to meditate on. May God continue to bless you!

  2. Steven Lia says:

    Hi Susan
    I have never commented before, though I have been tempted in the past by your beautiful posts. I came back to my faith 5 years ago after never really ever practicing. Since that time I have been blessed to work, in both Men’s Ministry and Hospital Ministry, with God revealing himself in every person I meet.
    We are always seeking to know the future wether we are a Christian or not, thankyou for sharing your post today, confirming what I should already know, that is to trust in our Lord in all things, don’t worry too much about next week, or even next month, I go to him in prayer, to give thanks, as well as to ask of him for those that I love, especially for my Children.
    Blessings to you all from Australia .

  3. jnursester says:

    Another little blade of Hope Grass springing up through the Snow of the Storm. I am in a little bit of spiritual darkness right now, but it is a very warm peaceful place. Love and blessings to you in the new year!

    • I will say a prayer for you and ask Christ to bind up and cast out any spirit of darkness or despair surrounding you and may He continue to give you peace. May God pour blessings over you this New Year.

  4. Anne says:

    I find this interesting …… The date of your journal is before the article just placed on the next right step blog . Confirmation of the sign in the sky on September 23rd. That’s how I take it… If I am seeing this in right order.

    Love the words…… Hope lies when you firmly plant yourself in Jesus Christ.
    And…. Faith is the currency in Gods Kingdom.

    Thank you for sharing.

    • Yes I wrote the journal entry and gave it to my Spiritual Director on December 18, 2017. I almost posted it that day, but truth be told, sometimes I get a little afraid to “put it out there.” I went to bed last night and the vision of the sun as time gave me the extra spiritual lift I needed to post it when I woke up.

    • Additionally, The December 18 journal entry I wrote came after praying and reflecting on the Star of Bethlehem. And it was like God said, “you missed it, just like Herod who had to ask the wise men about the signs in the sky.” This year people were looking leading up to the day of the September 23 alignment but when nothing happened of significance on the earth on that actual day in our short sightedness we just moved on. If the Magi had just looked at the star and not continued to follow it afterwards (I believe they were following Jupiter, which had aligned with Venus, just like happened in 2015; they would have missed the King. But because wise men were wise they continued following and it wasn’t a single moment, but an unfolding “in the fullness of time.”

      The Psalms state: The heavens declare the glory of God;
      the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
      Day after day they pour forth speech;
      night after night they reveal knowledge.
      They have no speech, they use no words;
      no sound is heard from them.
      Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
      their words to the ends of the world.
      Psalm 19:1-4

  5. Anne says:

    How beautiful….” No sound is heard from them” in the psalm.
    It all happened in silence….. No razzmatazz….. So”in our short sightedness we just moved on”
    I am so pleased you listened and realized to share this.

  6. Thank you. Have a Blessed New Year.

  7. Pingback: Prophecy and Prayer | Veil of Veronica

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