Prayer for Vocations in the Family

Prayer for Vocations within the Family

God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth you sent your only begotten Son as the High Priest to hang on a cross for our Salvation. He was born of a woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose “FIAT” made it possible for the Incarnate Son to dwell among us. Lord Jesus, while on this earth, you called all men and women to follow you, to learn from you, and to live in union with the Father in Heaven. You called the twelve Apostles to a specific vocation to the priesthood, ordaining them to carry on your mission in your Most Holy Name. You called many other Holy Men and Women to discipleship, to the Way of the Cross, serving to bring your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. You sent us the Advocate, the breath of life, who consubstantial with the Father and the Son, brings us the Sacraments through your Priests, to unite us to your Most Holy Will.

Lord, over the centuries you have Blessed us with priests, deacons, and those called to religious life who have consecrated their lives to you. You have risen up great saints in our times of dire need. Lord, we ask you to pour your mercy out upon all the souls you are calling to the priesthood, diaconate, religious and consecrated life, especially those from our family. We offer our sons and daughters to serve your Kingdom in a way that pleases your Most Holy Will. We hold nothing back. Our children belong to you and we know the vocation to which you call them will glorify your Kingdom bringing the peace and joy of God. May Our Blessed Mother Mary wrap her mantle around them, keeping them close to her Immaculate Heart and protect them from spiritual danger. 

Jesus, we implore you to always provide for your Church holy priests and deacons. May these men be consecrated to your Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May they be ever united to the Father in Heaven in constant prayer and faithful to their vows. May they be fearless in their leadership of the Church and forever preach the Truth in all goodness and love. 

Lord, may the brothers and sisters you call to the religious and consecrated life, be a perpetual reminder of the purity you are calling each one of us to in our own vocation. May these men and women be a source of life, goodness, simplicity, obedience, love, mercy and truth to all they encounter. May their presence in the world remind us of your unfailing presence with us in all things. May all consecrated surrender their lives to doing your daily work, through their constant devotion to you in prayer and the faithful living out of your Spiritual gifts that you have given them. We pray that your unfailing protection and blessings remain with them all the days of their lives so that they may remain faithful to your Church, helping us all to live the Sacramental life.

Saint Stephen, pray for us.

Saint John the Apostle, pray for us

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Virgin Mary, pray for us.

Divine Child, bless and protect us.

We ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.