Prayer for a Specific Priest

Prayer for a Specific Priest

Lord Jesus you have asked me to pray specifically for the sanctification of your priest Father (Name). 

In obedience to your most holy will, I ask that you pour the Holy Spirit over him and increase all of his gifts. Pour over him wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord. Give him the grace of final perseverance. I ask our Most Blessed Mother to wrap him in her mantle. I ask Saint Michael to protect him from the harm of the evil one.  

Specifically I ask that he be protected from calumny, ridicule, suspicion, false accusation, pestilence and plague. I ask Lord that he be protected from all physical harm and that his physical needs be met so the strength of your kingdom may be revealed in and through him.  

I ask, Lord, that you pour blessings on his labors, guard his chastity and purify his heart to love as you love. Keep him from the temptation of sloth, acedia, gluttony, pride, lust or any of the sins that could distract him from his mission of serving you. In his suffering and sorrow, perfect him and comfort him, and draw him into your Sacred Heart.  

Lord Jesus, may the people who hear his preaching have their ears opened to the truth that they may receive your word in their hearts and minds. May they be opened up to the Gospel of your love and mercy. I ask the Seraphim to surround the altar where he celebrates the Mass with a wall of holy fire so the thrice holy God will be honored by all who proclaim holy, holy, holy. May the power of your presence in the Eucharist he consecrates remove scales from blinded eyes so that they may see the Spiritual reality and may the hearts of those who receive be transformed by the power of your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

May those who receive your absolution from him know to the fullest extent that they are truly reconciled to you and your church, so that they may receive the fullness of your healing, which makes demons flee. I ask all the saints in heaven to pray with me for him that through him God will be glorified and praised, one day counting him among the saints in Heaven.

Lord through this priest (Name), may the fire of the Holy Spirit pour over all you wish to save. May his example, like that of Saint John Vianney and Saint Padre Pio, be an example for all priests. May those who are under his pastoral care see you in him so that they may strive themselves to be holy and proclaim to the world that God alone is good, abolishing all idols.

Lord, make him a shepherd to your people.  

I ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.