Dialogue with the Devil

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say…. Genesis 3:1

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman (the church);

Serpent: Did God really say you can’t bless same sex attracted persons?

Woman (the Church): God said that we can’t bless sinful unions. God desires recognition of sin and repentance. Individual people have always been able to be blessed, the Mass closes daily with blessing. Spontaneous blessings are almost always granted to individuals who ask.

Serpent: Surely they have legitimate relationships, God must not be merciful. He must not really love. Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t you think they need their own blessing together for the relationship?

Woman (the Church): what you say sounds true, we will consume this message and write a document on how God wants to bless all good in these unions. It will not speak of repentance of sin in the confessional nor will it point our the disordered nature of these unions because that would be seen as unmerciful.

Serpent: Let the little children come to me and watch your blessings. I can’t wait to make them part of my kingdom. My legion will make them to understand that marriage isn’t necessary.

To all the Priests out there speak God’s authority into this lightning storm, this is an opportunity to break unholy soul ties and bring deliverance. This is the only appropriate blessing, one of deliverance from sin and breaking unholy soul ties. Expect miracles because God brings his glory in the middle of raging storms.

About veilofveronica

I am a mother and wife as well as an RCIA and Adult Faith Formation catechist at a parish in the south. I have 3 children and a great husband.
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13 Responses to Dialogue with the Devil

  1. Olga Hibl says:

    Thank you for sharing! I am so disgusted with this support for sin! The pope is not listening to the Holy Spirit! He is listening to the wrong people and Satan is behind all this turmoil. I pray for our Church.

  2. LFrancis says:


    You are right in that we must reject, reject, REJECT this document before the storm consumes us. The time to push back against it is NOW.

  3. Finnian-John says:

    Yes! It truly is a GREAT opportunity for priests, by virtue of their authority to extend much needed grace to many who are bound in chains and enslaved by lifestyles that seem to be unchangeable…
    The document says clearly that such blessings must not hold any approval of such unions. Such blessings should take place privately and confidentially with no witnesses – to guard against any possible scandal.
    This is an opportunity to dialogue with many who otherwise cling to hopelessness and despair, feeling judged and rejected. These are (can be) teachable opportunities. These are (can be) opportunities to demonstrate the power of God’s mercy beyond human comprehension. The doors are swinging wide open for ALL sinners to turn back to God while there is time!!!

    • Sally says:

      “The document says clearly that such blessings must not hold any approval of such unions. Such blessings should take place privately and confidentially with no witnesses – to guard against any possible scandal.”

      This right here says it all. The scandal has already been committed.
      We can only pray that priests have the moral courage to speak the truth in love when approached. I believe this approval of blessing is only the crack in the door that was needed in order to kick the entire door down in the near future for same sex marriage. The truth is this pope is following the same play book as the government. We as Catholics are having our true identity shredded and shamed, we are being demoralized, and made to go along with that which we know is not true. That’s actually communism. So, this would be called a spiritual communism we’re suffering.

    • Father James Martin is already posting pictures of his blessings, that doesn’t seem private to me.
      Did you know that there are no less than 6 documents stating that extraordinary ministers of communion should be rare? That the Priest is the ordinary minister and should distribute communion? The parameters for when and extraordinary minister can be used are spelled out clearly and yet not clearly because a “large crowd” that would take a long time to distribute to is one reason but nobody defined that is 5 minutes longer to long? 10 minutes? An hour? And yet because permission was given, you wouldn’t know by walking into any church that it’s supposed to be rare. It’s also one of the easiest ways our Lord gets abused in the Eucharist. That may have not been the intention, but it was the result. And I was at Mass when no less than 3 hosts were dropped. A friend of mine said the Priest where she was found 12 under the cushions in the pew. There were those who spoke prophetically about this but who weren’t listened to and who were seen as too critical. Jesus said the Jews killed all the prophets. It’s no different today. I am speaking prophetically about what will happen as a result of this document.
      The issue I take with these blessings is this document wasn’t necessary to single out a group of sinners for blessing and by doing that it is de facto stating that it is the union itself is being blessed even though it’s trying to say that it’s not. The action, especially now seen on social media, shows different. It’s double speak. These unions simply cannot be blessed because God does not bless sexual sin. The union is illegitimate and the document is double speaking about the legitimate relationship. A legitimate relationship tries to follow the commands of God and confession is sought out when a sin takes place.
      All of us are sinners and All of us already could ask for a blessing spontaneously. But if they are truly humble- as the document says the disposition should be – then confessing should be no problem, even if they fall again and again, confession is the place of mercy. Not the blessing of the “union”.
      Any child that has a phone will see this and conclude that homosexuality is blessed by the church. It’s willful blindness not to see that.
      That said God will make goodness out of our nefarious evil, but not without a lot of trauma for the flock along the way. Breaking covenant of the Lord willfully actually brings curse not blessing. Prayers are needed for the church and especially for the Priest as even though the documents say a Priest cannot be forced to do this, a Bishop in Austria is already forcing his Priests and I am sure he won’t be corrected.

    • I went back and read it again. It doesn’t say anywhere it needs to be in private. It simply says it needs to be outside of Liturgy. It lists a pilgrimage to a shrine as a place it could be done. That’s not private.
      Total scandal. It’s a scandal either way, but no one thought of the children at all.

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