Into The Tomb

Lastly, we know they will be true disciples of Jesus Christ, imitating his poverty, his humility, his contempt of the world and his love.  They will point out the narrow way to God in the pure truth of the holy Gospel and not according to the maxims of the world.  Their hearts will not be troubled, nor will they show favor to anyone; they will not spare or heed or fear any man, however powerful he may be.  They will have the two-edged sword of the Word of God in their mouths and the blood-stained standard of the Cross on their shoulders.  They will carry the crucifix in their right hand and the rosary in their left, and the holy names of Jesus and Mary in their heart.  The simplicity and self-sacrifice of Jesus will be reflected in their whole behavior.   Saint Louis de Monfort TD:#59

I was in prayer the other day speaking to Jesus about the state of the church. Seeing the trajectory we are on can be scary, and yet, our prayer matters. I thought of how during Covid we had no access to the Eucharist and how that is the devil’s ultimate plan, to bring that about permanently. I have seen Priest after Priest be brought down for various different reasons. I see good Priests exhausted and frustrated. I see the attack they’re undergoing. I see the fortification they need, for if we have no Priest, we have no Mass, no Eucharist. I spoke to the Lord about all of this. I prayed. I closed my eyes.

I found myself inside the tomb. The tomb of death. The tomb of all the things we fear. The fruition of all of our sin, of all of my sin, sitting before me in the darkness of the tomb. I felt so alone, so abandoned, so scared. And the Lord, who knows everything, spoke, “you’re in the darkness of the Valley of the shadow of death. The tomb. You cannot see. You feel alone. But what do you smell?” Startled by the question, I inhaled deeply. And I smelled roses. And then I was surrounded by Roses. I recorded in my journal what was said to me. As always, I state, I write in my journal as if the Lord were speaking to me. If what I have written the church says is wrong, then the church is correct and I am wrong.

January 14, 2024

Beloved Lily of the Father,

Enter into the tomb. No Priest. No Mass. Feel the suffocation of death, but for a moment, the wages of sin are felt. Rather now, notice and breathe in the sweet aroma of Roses. The smell of eternal life. Walk through Salvation History from where the heavens announced me all the way to the Glorification of My Mother. All of Creation bows down. Come with her. She walks you towards the beatific vision. Towards a light and a glory you cannot fathom. The world is passing away, keep your eyes on the eternal. Be not afraid of the road ahead. Hold the Hand of the August Queen of Heaven. Pray the Rosary and listen to the echo until the tomb is empty and glory rises. 

John 3:5

Your Divine Spouse

August Queen of Heaven, Sovereign Mistress of the Angels, thou, who from the beginning hast received from God the power of the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly implore thee, to send thy holy legions so that under thy command and by thy power, they may drive the devils away, everywhere, fight them, subduing their boldness and thrust them down into the abyss.

Who is like unto God?

O good and tender Mother, thou willst always be our love and our hope.

O divine Mother, send Thy holy angels to defend me and drive far away from me the cruel enemy.

Holy Angels and Archangels defend us, keep us.

About veilofveronica

I am a mother and wife as well as an RCIA and Adult Faith Formation catechist at a parish in the south. I have 3 children and a great husband.
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13 Responses to Into The Tomb

  1. James Ignatius McAuley says:


    There is great pain and grief in many places in the Church, all part of our purification. I see what has happened in Kentucky as well other problems. As many wise people have observed, this is the end of an age, not the end of the world. So, while in some areas the mass will vanish into a tomb, in other areas it will continue. Only at the end, will the mass be extinguished, and when the last priest is slain, the Lord himself will finish the mass and end the world. But, we are far from there!

    Now, you yourself have been, and will be especially targeted by old scratch at times, because you are prayer warrior, a spiritual Boudica (not exactly the best analogy, but with your blond hair and strong will, I can see you standing in the wind with a rosary and your mantilla) who stands up and carries her cross. The devil does not like a mulier fortis! Remember, you have friends in heaven and here on earth, like me, who pray for you. And, I know, you pray for me and others. The old informal mutual prayer support network!

    An example of the good you do, is the prior article interviewing Rob Marco. Thus, you were a vehicle of grace introducing his work to others.

    Then there was the superb article, “Love is not Love.” Clear and understandable guidance that was very helpful to me as I prepared to go to confession at that time.

    I do believe that the prophetess Valentina Papagna that we are going to be on a wild ride right in to 2026. We have to stay close to Jesus within mama Mary’s mantle and not give up. Remember our Irish ancestors who went weeks without the mass due to the depredations of the English. We will get through by the grace of God, Sue!

  2. Barb Watry says:

    Susan…Thank you so much.  I so admire your ability to listen to our Lord. I need our Mother so much…Barb Watry

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

  3. Jean Mikelonis says:

    This is so beautiful and true!  We are heading through our death and resurrecti

  4. Mark says:

    An observation on the rosary, as a type for redemption. When we were cast from Eden, we were told our efforts would bring forth thorns. We crowned Jesus with these thorns of ours, before we killed him. Jesus used these thorns resulting from our disobedience as a sacrifice to atone for the very sins that caused them to exist, on his way into the tomb.

    When we offer Our Lady the fruit of our efforts (our thorns) she makes of them a beautiful gift to God. Roses have thorns, but with Mary our thorns are made to smell heavenly, and are a presented in a form beautiful to behold. Our work and our prayers, tainted by our fallen nature, when given to Mary become the heavenly bouquet suitable to God. Being full of Grace (Grace being a share in God’s very life) and she being the mediatrix of all Grace (She gave us God sharing in our lives), it is no wonder she can make our offered thorns beautiful. This is part of the reason why the Rosary is so highly regarded.

    In the Our Father when it says “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” we should recognize that Mary is the first person to do the Will of God fully and perfectly, and she by her fiat gave us Jesus the King. The will of God was accomplished by her and the Kingdom came on earth as it is in heaven. The Kingdom of God on Earth is the Catholic Church, and a glimpse of heaven is available every time we see Jesus in the Eucharist.

    When you can not see the Eucharist, remember what we were told in the Hail Mary. The Angel told us “Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with you”. The shortest path to find Jesus outside the Eucharist in a Catholic Church is to turn to Mary, Jesus is with her always. I like the thought in scripture that says “whenever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there with you”, when we think we are individually praying the Hail Mary, know both Mary and then by default Jesus, are with us. We need never be alone.

    One more observation, the Rosary is often in the form of a chain, and I believe it may be the chain mentioned in Revelation 20:1-3, it states:
    “1 Then I saw an angel come down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the abyss and a heavy chain.
    2 He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the Devil or Satan, and tied it up for a thousand years
    3 and threw it into the abyss, which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer lead the nations astray until the thousand years are completed. After this, it is to be released for a short time.”

    It would not surprise me at all that the rosary so often requested by our Mother and promoted by the Saints is the Chain to bind satan.

    Thank you for the article.

    • Beautiful.
      I should say that during this meditation I felt the importance of the Rosary like never before so what you’re saying makes complete sense to me.

    • James Ignatius McAuley says:

      Well said, Mark. What you wrote brought to my mind that wonderful childhood rhyme, “Mary had a little Lamb.” Arguably, that rhyme is the gist of what you wrote. Thank you.

  5. Annie W says:

    Oh, how could I live without Mother Mary! And I know Jesus is quite happy with that and doesn’t mind a bit. My life would have been so different without her presence and molding. I can still remember my little bedside shrine in grade school with her statue and some flowers.

  6. Pingback: reblogg INTO THE TOMB – Webbplatsrubriksuzana monika

  7. Geminiano Secundo says:

    January 14
    La Divina Pastora, Santa Rosa, (Jacinto) Lara, Venezuela :
    The Mother of the Divine Shepherd , popularly called Divina Pastora , is a Marian dedication of the Catholic Church. Her image has its main center of veneration in the Sanctuary of Santa Rosa located in the Santa Rosa de Barquisimeto parish , in Venezuela . Every January 14, a massive Marian pilgrimage is celebrated, which is considered the third largest in the world, only surpassed by the one made with the Virgin of Guadalupe ( Mexico ) and the Virgin of Fátima ( Portugal ). It has an authentic touch and the image of the Virgin does leave her Temple and travels through a good part of the city. Therefore, it can be said that it is the largest Marian procession in the world in terms of attendance level.
    In 2016, more than 4 million parishioners attended the pilgrimage, in its 160th edition.

    John 3:5 defines the condition for entering the Kingdom of God. The Mystical Body of Christ will be resurrected in the glorious form of the Kingdom of God on earth. There will be one flock under one Shepherd.

    • Phillip G Frank Jr says:

      “I am truly the ever perfect Holy Virgin Mary, who has the honor to be the Mother of the one true God for whom we all live. I want very much that they build my sacred little house here, in which I will show Him, I will exalt Him on making Him manifest, I will give Him to all people in all my personal love. Because truly I am honored to be your compassionate Mother”.

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